
Bugaboo-BuffaloStroller/upto17kg·€17.25/day.brand:Bugaboo.Provider: ...,InshortThisitemcontainsone10inchfrontswivelwheelforBugabooBuffalo,includingthesuspensionandconnectionpin.ProductCode:430419Thisitem ...,Sturdyandpracticalyetsmoothandstylish,theBugabooBuffaloisafantasticall-rounder.It'sspaciousandcomfyandlovelytopushoveravarietyof ...,Ifyourfamilylovestoexploreanddiscovertheworldtogether,t...


Bugaboo - Buffalo Stroller / up to 17 kg · €17.25/day. brand: Bugaboo. Provider: ...

Bugaboo Buffalo 10 inch Front Swivel Wheel (Foam)

In short This item contains one 10 inch front swivel wheel for Bugaboo Buffalo, including the suspension and connection pin. Product Code: 430419 This item ...

Bugaboo Buffalo review

Sturdy and practical yet smooth and stylish, the Bugaboo Buffalo is a fantastic all-rounder. It's spacious and comfy and lovely to push over a variety of ...

Bugaboo Buffalo Stroller Base, Aluminum

If your family loves to explore and discover the world together, the rugged, all-terrain Bugaboo Buffalo can help you make the great outdoors even greater.

Bugaboo Buffalo support

If you already own a Bugaboo Buffalo, this page contains all the product support information you need. Looking for a new stroller? Discover all our models.